At our house you can usually walk in at any given time and see what looks like grass growing on shelves in the kitchen. It looks beautiful and tastes well...........like grass! I wanted to tell about another one of my secerets to health. I have both a hesitiant and gung ho approach for you. I went to a lovely presentation led by our chiropractor a little while back and he gave us a fun little goody bag to take home. It felt like christmas to me. (Is that nerdy when you think a bag full of health products is like christmas??) Anyways, I have to say honestly, I didn't try these until just a few weeks ago. We normally have wheat or barley grass groing at the house and never needed this supplement, but lo and behold, I found myself without any grass and I was feeling very heavy and cloudy. I rummaged through my "medicine box" (which is really just an herb box ha!) and saw these- I looked at the ingredients and was so excited. (the picture above only shows the berry first packet but I also had a greens first sample and needless to say they are all gone :))
So I mixed it with some water and it was not bad at all and I felt great! Now don't get me wrong, there is nothing that takes the place of fresh juiced grass- nothing! But,, it was darn close 2nd.
So I will leave it at this today, but soon I will post a 2nd addition to this post and tell you and show you all about wheatgrass and how we do that!
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